Welcome to the Win The Content Game
May 6, 2024

111. Getting Real Results from YouTube: What's Working for Us Right Now

Are you tired of pouring your heart and soul into content that fails to attract the clients you deserve? It's time to unlock the secrets of winning the content game and watch as a steady stream of ideal customers flocks to your business. Imagine the thrill of having your inbox flooded with inquiries from people who can't wait to work with you – all thanks to the irresistible content you've masterfully crafted.

As entrepreneurs, we understand the frustration of endlessly creating content that falls flat. There is a lot of strategy and information out there but nothing beats learning from doing. 

In this episode, we're pulling back the curtain and sharing the strategies we've implemented to start turning our YouTube content into a client-attracting powerhouse. 

Here are some of the insights we’ve gained and share with you:

  • How to craft an irresistible "offer" that speaks directly to the desires of your ideal clients
  • Optimal content formats and frequencies for maximum engagement on YouTube
  • How we are using segments and overlays in our videos to keep viewers hooked
  • Determining the right balance between calls-to-action and value-driven content

Related Win the Content Game episodes you may enjoy:

The 5-Step Blueprint for Creating High-Converting YouTube Content

What if you could tap into the power of YouTube to consistently draw in a steady stream of your ideal customers, ready and eager to work with you?

Mastering YouTube for Podcasting: How to Boost Visibility and Engagement with JP Hightek

YouTube Expert, JP Hightek, shares his strategy on how to grow your podcast using YouTube.

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So YouTube has been on people's minds, especially in the podcasting space, for quite a bit now. YouTube has been the hot girl, summer. Yeah, but it's kind of like she wasn't. And then she came back from summer braces like she was, and, oh, yeah, and she got all her braces off and, you know, all of that, and now she had a glow up and everyone's like, is that YouTube? Give me some of that.


I'm sorry I didn't see it before, but. Hello. Hello. So that's what we're here to talk about, is how to get used a piece of that. I don't want to say it, but I think we've all set it in our minds.


Okay, so, yeah, yeah. So, moving on. So, basically, if you did want a piece of it, then this is definitely the series. So last episode, I had JP Hytek on who we work closely with on the YouTube strategy side, basically breaking down what it means, like, what you have to do to actually get clients from your YouTube content. And so in this episode, we're actually going to talk to some of those elements and how we here at Capsho are actually how we think about it and how we're also implementing it.


Because I want to make it really clear that we ourselves have only been on this YouTube journey, like, in actual implementation for maybe the last couple months. Yes. So we're very open to the fact that we are doing this with you. We're playing the content game alongside you. So every learning that we have, we share every mistake that we make.


We share all of the many mistakes. Exactly. You can actually hear those in the players only podcast, which is in our community, totally free. But we'll leave the link for that in the show notes as well. But that's kind of the intro of this episode.


So, basically, if you are here, if you're looking to really get your teeth into YouTube and you don't want to just hear it from a strategic, conceptual perspective, I mean. Cause that's important. We all need to start there. But this episode, you're here because you want to actually hear how we are putting it into practice, how the things that we had to think through to go, like, get that strategy, get that concept, but that doesn't really quite work for us. So here's what we're going to do and try instead.


So we're going to share some of those things with you on this episode. My name's Deirdre Shen. I'm Bonnarai. And this is win the content game. Okay, so let's get into it.


So really quickly, if we recap, JP in the last episode, ran through some really important, almost like a checklist, I would say, which is awesome. Like things that we need to be, to be thinking about if we, if our aim to be on YouTube is to actually get clients, which, by the way, if you're listening to this, you're an entrepreneur. That is probably the thing that you're looking to get, right? You're looking to get clients, you're looking to grow your email list, really importantly, and you're looking to convert them in some way. And so one of the things that he spoke about was the first thing he actually spoke about was about the offer, about building your offer before coming to YouTube.


Now, we've had this debate, especially with a current client of ours, about what an offer is, because I know that when we hear the word offer, it means, oh, it's the course or the coaching program or the mastermind or the thing that I'm actually going to charge people for. Someone's going to buy from you. Exactly. And I just want to make it really, really clear that that is not the definition of an offer. I know that in the entrepreneurship space, we've kind of bastardized that word a little bit.


So taking full accountability of that. But really, if you go back to the basics of what the definition is of the word offer, that's actually what we mean when we say offer. Right. So that really comes down to what is it that you are going to offer to the world? And it doesn't mean offer for money.


It could be offer for attention, offer for eyeballs, offer for time, offer. You know, what is it that you're going to put out there that people are actually going to care about? Yes. That's valuable and useful to them still. Exactly.


Yeah. Because when we're talking to a client about this and we say the word offer, she's like, well, I don't know what my offer is. I'm not at that stage, I don't have, you know, it's not clearly articulating my mind. And it's like, that's actually not the point. It's not the thing that you're looking to monetize.


It's literally, what are you offering to the world by way of, in this example, by way of content? Yep. I think that's a useful frame regardless, because if you don't have an offer yet, I think really being really, really crystal clear about what value you're offering with your content will actually help you build the right thing. And if you already have an offer, maybe it's not, and you're not happy with the conversion rates on it, for example, it may well be because it's not valuable. Exactly.


This more broad definition. Broad's the wrong word, but this more, I guess, all encompassing definition of offer is actually really important. I think constantly, every week, every time you're creating a piece of content, really go back to and say, is this what I still want to be offering? Is this still the person I want to be offering it to? And is it valuable to them and useful to them?


Yeah, because, you know, if you take aside, put aside the product Capsho as a quote, unquote offer, like, put that to the side, right? Let's just say all we're doing is this podcast, then our offer went from, hey, let's help people grow their podcast downloads, listeners grow their show, to, let's actually help entrepreneurs win the content game. Like, actually get clients from their content. Right. You can see, like, that is an offer just by itself.


We're not monetizing it, but this is the thing that we're offering to the world. And you, you know, we have a lot of people who will turn around and be like, not for me. And that's cool. Like, that's actually great because then we know that we're continuing to, like, whittle down our audience and our, and our offer to the point where we actually know what it is that we can monetize. And is it a viably monetizable thing?


That made sense, right? It made sense. I don't know if it's a real world. It's one of those things. It's not a real word, but it.


That it should be viably monetizable. Monetizable. Yeah. Put that on a t shirt. Yeah, I love it.


I'm viably monetizable. Yes, exactly. Okay, so that's the first thing that we would say about the offer, but that kind of actually leads into, okay, how do we hear at Capsho? How do we see our offer and the relevant solutions that then, you know, JP talks about? Because once you.


You have to kind of know what you're offering to the world first before you can start creating content. I feel like that's a pretty foundational, I would say, thing. Right? Like, it's, you got to kind of start somewhere. Unless you're just.


I wouldn't even know. I can't even think of an example of. I guess you could just get on a mic and talk about random stuff. Yeah. But even then I think even if the content is a little random to start with, you would have some sort of, I don't know, but everyone I've met who does get on a mic to do stuff is because they feel an urge to either entertain, to educate, add something of value.


So the content may be a little random to begin with, but I think you have something that's driving you, that you want to offer to the world, to your audience. Yeah, for sure. So even when we think about that, we've gone from the example of like, we're going to help people grow their podcast to we're just going to help entrepreneurs win the content game, that is, get more clients from their content. And that means that the content that we create is all about that. So that's why we're sharing strategies like the YouTube, like what, you know, what we just did with JP last week and what we're doing with you today, which is like, hey, this is how you can use YouTube and this is the strategy to actually get clients from your content.


The series we had before JP was with Katie Brinkley around social media to be like, this is the strategy that you can use to get clients from social media. And I think the relevant solutions around the content as well is also changing up the format. I think in the previous version it was all like, here are all of the strategies kind of in out of order and just do, you know? Yeah, pick your poison, basically. Whereas now we're going, no, the whole point of winning the content game thing that you need is focus and you need like deep expertise to apply it.


So even the way the content was delivered and structured also changed. So that's where when you really start to focus, you go, if it's about helping people in the content game, one of the things that gets in the way of that is being too spread out across too many things and having a superficial understanding of it versus really committing to the main foundational pillars and doing them well. Yes, 100%. And I want to just add in here because JP didn't really quite talk to this point, but I know, having worked with him for a while, that this is important around when we are thinking about creating relevant solutions for recording. There's a lot that comes into it.


There's the content side, obviously, that's going to be one of the main things. But there's also things like frequency and how you actually show up on a platform like YouTube.


JP, he's a YouTube person. That's his main form of creating content. He was like, yeah, do what I do go live every week. And we're like, I will not be doing that. We love you about that.


Yeah. And the thing, too, about YouTube is that, based on what he's taught us, is that they actually penalize you. Let's say you go live once a week, they actually penalize you if you don't do it the same time and day each week, which I didn't even know about, you know, these are some talk about commitment. Yeah. Right.


And so for us, when I was looking at that and going like, but if I'm gonna have guests on, you know, then that means that every single one of them has to have, I don't know, let's say it's like Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.. Free. Like, and that's just not possible. Right. And so I know as well that a lot of you listening or watching to this, you're pulling the same boat where you have guests on, and it's like.


But they're not gonna be able to do the exact same time and day every week. And by the way, as well, I like to actually pre record because maybe the way that you edit it and things like that, you know, it takes a little bit more production time. Yep. And so when we looked at it, we were like, okay, we're gonna do a little bit of compromise. So you can very well.


This is how we're doing it, which means that you can very well just steal what it is that we're doing. That's why we're doing this episode. But we actually have a specific playlist for our podcast on our channel, which is basically, we drop that as a pre recorded video. Yep. Once a week.


And as part of the glow up, YouTube has made a specific spot for podcasts. So that people looking for podcasts, they do see all of the podcasts specifically. So that's great. Yeah. And the great thing is, then you can almost schedule them.


So they do drop same time, same day each week. Yep. Basically. So that's what we do for our podcast. And then, because I do know, and I've experienced this, we've now done.


I've now done two live masterclasses on YouTube, and they do get a ton of engagement and a ton more views than something that was pre recorded. So I would highly, highly encourage people to lean into the live aspect of YouTube, and I only do that once a month now, in speaking of JP, I was like, okay, does it have to be like the same time and day each month? And he's like, yep. Literally in your calendar every four weeks. Count it out.


And you want to put it on the same time and same day. And I was like, oh, okay, all right, well, that's more doable, at least. Cause it's just once a month. And, you know, the guests that I kind of, or the experts that I curate for that, you know, we can have, like, they're usually happy to, you know, even if they have to move things around to make that time and day work. But at least I only had to do that once a month, every once every four weeks, rather than trying to find.


Get people to do that once every week. Exactly. So if that's the strategy that you want to go down, then you can very well do that. And if you're inside of Capsho club, by the way, then we can hop on the calls and we can help you through exactly what you need to enable that and do all the things. So that's, that's one of the perks of being part of Capsho Club, which, if you haven't heard yet, you like.


I don't know if founding member offer is still open. Check it in the, in the link in the show notes. We'll leave it there. But yeah, if you're listening to this at the right time, you're gonna wanna get in on the founding member offer. Very limited seats, ridiculous basement prices for all of.


It's like cost price. It's not even. It's like we're losing. Anyway. Okay, let's move on because I'm starting to get it.


You're getting a rack. Yeah, exactly. Panic attack is going to come on anyway. Okay, so what we were talking about before the panic attack started. Panic attack is important.


Breathe it out. Yes. And we work. Offer relevant solutions. Yes.


Okay, so that's. And so I was speaking to a lot of podcasters about that, about doing that frequency, and they're like, oh, okay, that's doable. You can do that. You can do that. Right.


So at a very minimum, I would say do that. But if you want to really lean into YouTube, then, oh my gosh, yes. Go live every week. I mean, maybe you are a JP. Yeah.


I mean, there is a reason why JP has been able to grow his channels, you know, as quickly as he has. I don't expect to have that much growth because of just the way that we've bastardized the strategy. Yeah. But anyway, so that is something to take into account because we know that apart from the actual content that you're creating, you need to be able to commit to a workflow that works for you? Yes, for YouTube.


Okay, so that's the creating relevant solutions part of it. And then he did talk about things like click per conversion, client retention, length of video, creating highly converting videos. And so let's talk about even, like, the last masterclass that I did, which was kind of fun. It was really fun. It was fun.


Okay. All good. Okay. Cause I never know. So again, if you miss that, that I had Josh tap on from the pantheon.


He's a really, really great friend. Such an amazing person. So giving. I cannot speak highly enough of him. There's a reason why I actually do a mastermind with him.


Like, we co host one, because he's just such a genuine person and he's so super smart. Yes, so smart. Like, okay, anyway, so enough about Josh fancirling. Enough about me fangirling over Josh. But you never tell him, so I hope he watches this.



Don't tell him. Actually, Josh may not notice that Deirdre thinks this about him. What was that? Yeah, so we did a masterclass, an expert masterclass, I don't know how many weeks ago by the time this podcast goes live, and it was the first time that I actually implemented. So we use ecamm.


And with ecamm, there's a lot of, I guess, flexibility, customizability. Customizability, too, around how you can, like with overlays and things like that. So I decided to experiment with some in the job. Experiments are good and good word to use. There may or may not have been times there's two Deirdre's on the screen.


But hey, that was still a great pattern interrupt. I was like, but Josh's voice. Anyway, you're definitely gonna want to catch that because you can see some of all the mistakes that people have. Panic attacks. But it's great.


Like, this is. I hope that you're even getting from this conversation the journey that, like, a, we're on the journey with you, but b, it's okay to make mistakes. Totally. That is actually what makes you real. And so when.


So JB was on that live, like, he was watching it, and I remember catching up with him afterwards, and I was like, please don't roast me for this, JP. But how did you find it? And he was obviously incredibly gracious, but he was like, he just loved how real it was, you know, all of the mistakes. He was like, he called me a pro, which I wouldn't say that I'm a pro, but I think pro by way of, like, handling. Handling the situation.


Okay, well, oops, I'm just gonna close that. Did I end the live. No, we're still good. Let's keep going. I'm just, yeah, I'm just there doing my thing and trying to, you know, engage with Josh and engage with the audience.


But it was a ton of fun. And so it's hard to actually talk about, like, you always need to watch it and see what it is that I did. And so that was everything from having segments to, I would say, what we started off with. And we're going to keep building on it because everything is about just put one or two things out and then build upon that. So the two things that I tried in that masterclass was segments.


The idea of segments and overlays. Okay, so let's talk through. Let's talk through those. So with segments, I was always, and this, there's different. I would say there's different thoughts on this.


I don't know yet, because I guess we don't have enough data. I don't know yet what is actually truth, because there's the thought of you just want to get straight into the thing. That's the way to hook people and get them staying is like, just get straight into the content, into the, into the value, the meat of it. Yep. And to be honest, like, that's probably, probably where I used to sit.


I still kind of probably more sit than not. But what I wanted to try this time, because again, we're very coachable. JP was like, look, just try this out and let's see. And so what we did was we did, I did, like a little bit about what Capsho is. I did a little bit.


And it was like a prerecorded video that I just played. I did a prerecorded video on our whole ethos around intelligently lazy, which led into a live segment. Your favorite part. Yeah. The sloth trivia with Josh.


And then there was like a bit more about cap show. So there were particular segments before we actually, it was probably a good ten minutes before we actually even got into the content for the masterclass, which I know that Josh was probably not even ready for, to be honest. Well, he wasn't ready to answer trivia questions about sloths, I don't think. But, yeah, but I, having watched it, like, what did you, what did you think? I will say.


So for me, I really enjoyed it, kind of. I should probably start there because it kind of warms you up into the content, like you said. And then sometimes we also, because I was also watching, making sure that people who had registered were getting the link and stuff. And some people were a little bit late. So kind of if they've got a hard stop before.


So there's all of these things, I think that just a warms up the audience and because you've kind of given them an idea of how long it's going to take, they're not nervous about, wait, am I in the wrong place? And things like that. I will say it has to come to the data and this is where I think it links to the previous point about relevant solutions and formats and stuff like that. Because we may find that as much as I enjoy it or whoever else enjoys it, our audience prefers the way that you were doing it before. And that's totally fine.


So I think this is where you have to be flexible. You have to be willing to try different things. It may even mean rerunning that content in a different way. So I think it's just. But that's the whole point is that because even when you were talking about sort of being real with it, some people don't like that.


And that's also okay, but that's the offer that you're making. Is this the kind of content we're going to put out or the topic areas, but also the way we're going to go about it is that, you know, so I think, and you won't know the answer to that without putting things out there to be okay with that. 100%. And like the one thing that I did enjoy about it was that it really highlighted our personality. Like my personality, Capsho's personality and the guest personality.


And the guest personality. And I think that's really important because when you think about what actually has people, and I go back to the seven hour rule right in the book oversubscribed by Daniel Priestley, he talks about his seven hour rule that people become raving fans of yours when they spend 7 hours with you. And in an absolute sense I think that that's right. But what it doesn't talk about is a nuance of like why are they then what will actually have them staying? And I feel like personality is such a big part of that by doing it this way, by almost showcasing our personality, if people don't actually vibe with that, like that's actually almost a quicker way of having people self select out totally, which might.


It's counterintuitive because it's like, but I want more people watching and staying, but it's like don't you want the right people watching and staying? The ones that will not just wants to follow you for the value but you actually want them to follow you because of the connection that you can actually personally make with who you are. Yep. Right. I feel like that's the nuance that gets missed when we talk about having people stay and retention and watch time and things like that.


Is that. Yes. But what is actually driving that? Totally. Right.


And sometimes we might want to lose the people that don't vibe with that because they were never gonna like, because if they come across someone else who maybe in their minds, gives more value to them, then not sticking around. That's a really good point. And I also think maybe that's why it's actually really, really critical to do follow ups on the content that you do. Because, for example, I may have missed the masterclass with Josh and had so much fun because that was the other good part to it, too. There was a lot of audience engagement, and if I miss that, but I watch a follow up clip of it, and I was like, I didn't realize there was all of this fun things going on.


Now, let me. Or it's someone completely new to you that just sees a repurposed clip of it or something like that, and they're like, oh, let me. This looks fun. This is different because they're your people, and then they go back to it. So I think that's why there is that.


That is even more compelling as to why you should constantly, even once you do the main piece of content, you should keep getting it more out there to see who else of that same, because it's very easy. Otherwise you go, oh, it didn't really work. Maybe we won't do it next time. So getting more data that way, I think, is really important. Just a note to self.


And the other thing, too, that I want to talk about. So the segments, and I mentioned that we do talk, and this was, this was very uncomfortable for me. I'm not gonna lie, because I'm used to doing that thing where it's like, I wanna give. I wanna give value and then make an ask. Whereas doing the segments this way was kind of a flip.


It was almost like there was a little bit of an ask first. Like, we kind of almost opened up with call to actions, and then we gave value. Right. And I feel uncomfortable. Rightly or wrongly.


I just personally felt uncomfortable with that. I don't really know why. So maybe we'll do another episode. Diving into my kidney traumas around that, but, like. But I did.


And so this was a way for me to just be like, nope, you know what? I'm just gonna put that to the side. Let's just do the thing and let's, again, let's see. And let's. And but more and more, the kind of the talk or the conventional wisdom that is getting a lot more airplay is for people to actually start with their call to actions.


Because interesting, as we know, like, from a self, from an entrepreneurship, selfish perspective, I think we all know that not everyone will stay until the end when we generally have our call to actions. And so it's kind of a bit of a wasted, you know, opportunity. Yeah. And so it's almost like, how do we start with that upfront? We still want to give value, of course, and then we can still, you know, repeat the call to action.


But that doing it that way was kind of, I'm not gonna lie, it was a little bit uncomfortable for me, so. But again, we tried it, and as long as it will keep monitoring the data and see if it turns people off. But so far. And, and I guess that's the thing, too. It's like doing it in an authentic and fun way as well helps.


Yeah. And also the fact that it's. You're not just saying, hey, do this for me. It's very much like, I think because thinking about it now, it was still qualifying people who are listening to say, hey, this is who's actually hosting this event, you know, and if this is not relevant, likely the content won't be relevant either. So.


Yes, exactly. That's not a bad thing. And actually, one of the people, like, so Louise, who did the series on this YouTube before this one, he actually spoke about, because I think I asked him, I was like, hey, because he's a big content creator, I respect the heck out of what he does with content. He and his brother. Crazy.


Yeah. And he also did speak about, like, they have their pulse on the content world. Like, they have the pulse I missed. They definitely have their finger on the content pulse. And that was one of the things that they've been seeing is that people, like, around people, starting with their call to actions.


And so that was one of his big piece of advice is like, start with the call to action. And even the question I asked him was like, but how? How do you do it in a way that's like, not just go do this thing and then, hey, it's me, do this. Yeah. And I mean, he was like, look, you could even just say, I know a lot of people, you know, might not be able to stay for the whole time, so I just want to get this out of the way.


Like, for people who need to hop off, go to this, think it about them. Yeah. Right. And so there are different ways that we can actually wrap that up. But I think, you know, it was like, okay, how do I just get out of my own head about this and just do the thing and then.


And test it? So that was, yeah, that was an interesting thing that I found with the segments. So anyway, that was segments. And the second thing was overlays. Our favorite.


Our favorite. Yeah. So again, go and watch that. So it was Josh, the masterclass with Josh Tap, our designer, did some really cool overlays. And, you know, I tried my best.


I think I did pretty well, apart from, like, having to, I was like, oh, it's cutting off my head. When your face first went live, part of your head was missing, but the overlay looks great. And, you know, the whole, you know, you might think, well, why would I bother doing that? Which was actually kind of what I was thinking, like, JP, why would I bother with this, with creating overlays? And he made a really good point, because, you know, when you think about even, like, news, when you're watching the news or anything like that, the reason why they have so many things moving or switching or whatever is because that visual, it's like an attention reset.


It's a visual attention reset. And I was like, oh, I'd never thought about that. Yeah. And so that's why we implemented it. And I actually do think it.


Well, as a viewer, do you think that that actually helped? Yeah, totally. Like I said, it showcased. We talked about personalities of yourself, the host, the guest, and all of that. But then, to your point, the brand.


So the way that you go about with these overlays is really about kind of bringing that to life as well. So I think we could do it in a few fun ways. So I think. And then it's kind of. It feels like you're watching more than just in this case, it was a really good conversation, but, you know, you're just watching two people speak sometimes.



It's kind of just visually resets you and kind of just gives the opportunity, I think, to bring the brand more to life, and it just kind of excites. That's exciting to explore as well. Yeah. So for the next masterclass, which will be happening, gosh, in a couple weeks time, when this goes live. Yes.


We're gonna have more to experiment with. So definitely, yeah. Keep. Keep an eye out. If you're on an email list, definitely read your emails and get in on that masterclass so you can see it in action.


Hopefully, I would have improved some of the things, but even if there's more mistakes, they're the fun. There's a fun. The mistakes are the fun part. Right. But we will have more overlays.


I want to be. I want to work on some tickers and things like that, things that will move on screen and stuff like that. So you can see that actually coming to life and in action on the next Masterclass on YouTube. Now I do want to talk. So that's the life Masterclass.


Now, I do want to talk about the podcast itself, because your voice lower there, you're like, podcast, podcast. There are pre recorded weekly drops. Yes. Like this episode. Yeah.


So, I mean, what would be interesting is whether even on the prerecorded, doing overlays, you know, whether we do do overlays and, you know. Right. Because we just never had thought about it that way. So that's something that we could experiment with. But let's just say that, like, how we approach the prerecorded podcast on YouTube is still a work in progress, and we're still trying to feel our way through that, I would say.


So there's definitely, obviously, the technical Nas required to do the editing and things like that, and we're very fortunate to have someone on the team who can do that really well. But I think it's. Now there's more the strategy behind it, like, how do we want to continue to reset attention without it being distracting, like, all that kind of stuff? But I'd be keen to add, try overlays and see what that does, as well as, obviously, the usual stuff to, you know, interrupt in between to keep people engaged. Yeah.


Yep. So maybe you'll start to see some cool things happening. Yeah, just pop up over here. Yeah, this is why I don't do it. Yeah, sure.


Okay. But the really, really cool thing is that, by the way, if you got in on the. On Capsho club as a founding member, then you're gonna get even deeper access to the strategies, the how to's, the things that we're doing. Like, we will literally coach you through how to do pretty much all of this inside of Capsho club. Now, again, if you got in at the right time, you're on our founding member price, which is literally anxiety induced, an 80% saving, because we're not only gonna help you win the content game on social, like, win the social media content game, that is get clients from social media.


We're not only going to help you win the YouTube content game, that is get clients from YouTube, but it's also going to be through things like blogging and short form videos and yep, all of the things. So there's so much that we that is going to happen inside of Capsho Club. So if you haven't heard of it and you're not in, then fingers crossed you can still get the Fannie Mamma prize. Only 100 spots available. Otherwise, I mean, we would love to see you at the full price anyway.


Please pay us more money. We would love to see you, man. We would love for you to pay us more money. So we're going to do that. We'd love to make some money on this as well because we are also entrepreneurs trying to get clients from our contest.


We are also trying to win the content game. Just kidding. Not kidding. Not kidding. Yeah, kidding.


But not really. Anyway, so I hope you enjoyed that a little bit of a breakdown of how we are leveraging YouTube and the things that we're doing it for. An even deeper breakdown because I bet you didn't even think that was possible. But let me assure you, it is possible to go even deeper than what we did in this episode. Otto and Ash do a weekly episode, weekly podcast called Players Only, which lives in our community, our Facebook community.


And so if you want access to that, to them talking about how we are actually on the ground implementing the things, then go. We'll leave the link in the show notes so Facebook group and then you'll be able to access players only as well. That's it for today. My name is Deirdre. I'm Bona and as always, stay intelligently lazy.